Don’t miss our next TridiumTalk for the latest on our cutting-edge controller! Tridium’s next-generation JACE® 8000 controller is almost here – so make sure you’re up to speed on the platform’s power and enhanced capabilities. Join Product Manager Mike Westerfield for our next TridiumTalk, “JACE 8000: An in-depth look.” You’ll quickly learn how the JACE 8000 offers a host of important advantages, including tool-less installation and expansion capability. You’ll also see how seamlessly it functions with legacy systems and has the ability to scale for future needs.
Register today!
Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2 p.m.-3 p.m. ET
Tuesday, Dec. 8, 9 a.m.-10 a.m. ET
Wednesday, Dec. 9, 10 a.m.-11 a.m. ET
TridiumTalk: An in-depth look at JACE 8000
Who should attend:
* Systems integrators
* Developers
* End users
What you can expect to learn:
* How the modular design makes the JACE 8000 easy to install, integrate and deploy.
* Details on the enhanced wireless capability and the high-performance core
* Our simplified approach to updating software and selecting the right capacity license
* The excellent results reported by our Beta partners